
As an entrepreneur, I have learned the importance of having a complete customer and market understanding through analyzing and management of the data that gives me a complete view of customer engagement and requirements. With this data I'm able to make smart decisions that are strategic towards the success of my business endeavors.
Most of the times I make smart decisions made possible through the analysis of the data collected during the business planning phase, my data research normally comprises of customer practical contact with my business and how I can be able to retain them as repeating customers.
The importance of Data management has been a key focus in today's business strategies and in this video below you will get insights of how effective data management can help businesses grow:
(Video Source: Youtube - Philip Evans: How data will transform business | TED TALK)
Data management has been a key element in business growth and has helped me as an Entrepreneur make internal and external management decisions that have improved my small business. I have used traditional methods of data management such as using spreadsheets and my small record book. Technology has really changed how data is managed by business and I would not like to be left behind, I'm currently studying how technology is helping small businesses such as mine to embrace technology and use data management tools towards improving quality in their decision making.
Most business are using artificial intelligence to process data, unfortunately this is centralized way of data processing and management and with the introduction of blockchain technology there is an opportunity to decentralize data processing and management that will improve the quality of data businesses use to make decisions in improving their customer relationships and business management.
I have come across Clarity, a start-up that will help small businesses owners like me access modern data management tools that will allow us process and manage our data in an effective and efficient way the same way large businesses with a lot of resources to budget in data management. Business have become competitive especially in this digital era where business that are quick to adopt technology are able to grow and have a competitive advantage, Clarity start-up is here for us and this are some of the services its offering to help small businesses embrace modern technology in their data management.


The clarity project is building a data management platform through blockchain technology that will help us have an all-inclusive modern data management tools that is artificially intelligent ready allowing us validate business data through a decentralized network, store this data for review later and analyze data through their innovative dashboard picture below. This will help small businesses and institutions minimize costs of setting up their own data management platforms and allow small businesses access this tool and move from traditional forms of data management. This project is a noble idea that is helping the community through improving of businesses that are the key economic drivers.
The Clarity project will help small businesses process raw data improving their decision-making strategies and improving their businesses productivity, processes and management. Processing data through traditional methods for small business is likely to contain erros due to inefficient management tools and analytical capabilities that can hinder small businesses process data effectively. Unfortunately, this small business cannot afford to budget for data management tools since most of their resources are allocated in funding and businesses financing. The clarity project will be highly beneficial to small businesses and the project will really help in improving their productivity using modern data recording and analysis. Small business spends a lot of time researching and this data is not used effectively the clarity project will enrich this data for use in decision making.
Institutional investors will be able to handle large volume of data in the platform in a decentralized environment, the Clarity project will allow this institution to exchange data with each other through a shared ecosystem, this will allow the institution have diversified accurate data that will improve their data profiling and curation. The platform will bring this institution together allowing centralized data to be decentralized for more improvement in curation.


clarity project dashboard.png
The Clarity development team has been able to provide a data management platform with an intuitive dashboard that has beautiful UI designs, that allow real time data access, through visual charts and infographic formats that are easily understandable even to non-experts.
The dashboard is comprehensive allowing data comparison across all information, through artificial intelligence the data is processed and presented in an easy eye view dashboard.
The Clarity project will allow businesses track their data processes in real time and receive alerts in case of changes, this will improve the data processing and curation for smart strategic decision making.
The clarity dashboard is simple to understand with a consolidated view that shows the sales infographic, financial information such as revenue projections, latest activities and time bound statistics and many more.


Businesses will find the Clarity project beneficial in their day to day data management, allowing them to process data collected from various sources towards improved decision making that is collected, maintained and indexed in one platform.
Decentralizing this data management and processing will improve the efficiency of data organizing and maintenance for businesses. Unlike centralized environments businesses will be able to share important data, improving optimization of the data database to reduce redundancy and maintenance tasks
I believe data management is very important in business growth and businesses should embrace modern data processing to improve their decision making, processes and productivity.
The clarity project will allow both small and large intuitions analyze valuable information such as market insights, customer requirements and needs, customer loyalty and their spending behaviors, Financial projections and statements. They will be able to record the information for review of their history for comparison proposes.
As an entrepreneur, I believe the clarity project is beneficial to my small businesses and te adoption probability of the project is likely to be high since most businesses owners understand the importance of data management and processing in their decision-making strategies. The business has promised a lot and I will keep an eye on it – the team is highly skilled in helping businesses grow and using blockchain technology towards improved decentralized data management is key to improving technological data analytics.


For more in-depth information about the Clarity project, you can visit the projects website, resources and social media pages in the links below.

Username: Vario hitam

My Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1624712

Ethereum address: 0xB2d70D6535e16EE25c26f96530254d1f0d73812F


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