FLUZCOIN - a smart retail currency

About Fluzcoin
“Everyone can create money; the problem is to get it accepted” - Hyman Minsky
Fluzcoin solution
Fluzcoin, as an independent retail coin structured in computer-aided governance, solves the problems of speed, cost, compliance and excess volatility; ushering in a true retail coin ready for mass adoption. Fluzcoin’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm, EUNOMIA, overcomes crypto-economic volatility with real-time, computer-aided market corrections to the Fluzcoin supply and demand.
The value generated by minting new Fluzcoins is maximized by Fluzcoin holders in the form of proof of stake; meaning the accumulation of Fluzcoin, results in an appreciation path similar to traditional cryptocurrencies even though the value of an individual Fluzcoin may never skyrocket.
Fluzcoin’s computer-governed economy results in a transparent and predictable fluctuation path, compared to FIAT and crypto-currencies.
Fluzcoin’s clever, patent-pending (United States patent application pending 62/648,206) coin minting rationale creates additional value without the need for energy intensive crypto-mining infrastructure.
The appeal of Fluzcoin
Fluzcoin holders enjoy effortless minting of new coins by simply holding the coin; making Fluzcoin the most rewarding retail currency available.
Retail prices in Fluzcoin are also likely to be lower than FIAT values, as merchants are able to pass transaction cost-savings to customers. Lower prices combined with strong commercial discounts, partially paid from the Fluzcoin Initial Coin Offering (ICO) raise, and an easy to use mobile app environment, incentivizes consumer adaptation.
Merchants benefit from Fluzcoin as it allows for cost and default-risk free transactions with collected funds available in real time, which are immediately convertible to FIAT currencies.
All Fluzcoin retail participants will have cleared Know-Your-Customer (KYC) making it a compliant coin for the accepting merchant who gains exposure to a new generation of digital and mobile consumers.
Data Economy and Data Network Effects
Data is the new oil - as the Economist eloquently describes on its cover in May last year. And data is what merchants in the non-ecom sphere struggle to harvest.
Fluzcoin enables merchants to glean data-driven insights that drive profitable decision-making. Aggregating over individual shoppers the Fluzcoin Consumer Insights API enables merchants to dock on and retrieve information and insights about the behaviour, interests and intents of their shoppers.
Wondering what to restock, how to handle a big promotion period coming up, how much to invest stock and visibility to a new brand, OEM or celebrity that onboards the offer? Just ask the Consumer Insights API for data-driven insights that inform the decision-making of brands allowing analyses only in the carefully guarded aggregate, safeguards the privacy of Fluzcoin users by maintaining full anonymity.
Fluzcoin’s ability to create massive data-sets gives rise to data network effects. The broader Fluzcoin adoption; the better the consumer insights merchants can draw from implementing and incentivising Fluzcoin - strengthening the depths and breadths of consumer insights.
Consumer is equipped with free app that is Fluzcoin wallet as well as additional features, for example tracking of free coins distributed to Fluzcoin holders, search of nearby stores accepting Fluzcoin and providing special deal redeemable for Fluzcoin only.
A merchant is displaying the total amount of the cart on a conventional cash-desk screen along with conversion into Fluzcoin amount.
Payment invitation is presented by a scannable QR code, which may be unique for each transaction (or come from a pool of reusable addresses).
A user acceptance of the payment is embedded into scanning action - once the QR code is scanned, transaction is fired.
Fluzcoin, patent pending intelligent retail currency
Pump & Dump resilient retail coin
Non-speculative by design
Algorithmic market interventions
Fluzcoin, as an independent retail coin structured in computer-aided governance, solves the problems of speed, cost, compliance and excess volatility; ushering in a true retail coin ready for mass adoption.
The Fluzcoin artificial intelligence (AI) stabilization algorithm will constantly adjust to deliver a smooth appreciation path, thus eliminating speculative volatility that so much affects cryptocurrencies and deters confidence in these.
Through machine learning algorithms, coin bond issuances and Fluzcoin holder dividends, Fluzcoin aims to provide the confidence needed for wide acceptance as a medium of exchange and furthermore, a store of value.
The value generated by minting new Fluzcoins is maximized by Fluzcoin holders in the form of dividends; meaning the accumulation of Fluzcoin, results in an appreciation path similar to traditional cryptocurrencies even though the value of an individual Fluzcoin may never skyrocket.
Fluzcoin’s computer-governed economy results in a transparent and predictable fluctuation path, compared to FIAT and crypto-currencies.
Fluzcoin is deliberately configured as technology-agnostic. For the start it has chosen JP Morgan Quorum forked from Ethereum, in a version customized for institutional needs. The adoption of a validated solution, JP Morgan Quorum last generation permission based blockchain, enables high throughput as well as data privacy.
Fluzcoin will also provide its own wallet to store, sell, buy and pay with Fluzcoin at retail through practical QR code scanning. Corporate Fluzcoin wallets will provide merchants with the necessary accounting input to reconcile Fluzcoin payments.
The system is built on Hyperledger Fabric and able to uphold daily transactions of up to 1,000,000,000 retail customers wordwide. Further research and blockchain technology advancement will increase this figure to bring retail coin to the global market.
3,223,000,000 Fluzcoins shall be created for the initial ICO.
65,78% => of coins are sold.
34,22% => are distributed as follows.
3,29% => Team and Advisor Coins
3,29% => FluzFluz Network Reward Coins Drawing Right
6,30% => Fluz Coins Ltd
9,31% => ICO Bounty Marketing+Post-ICO Merchant Incentive Coins and Consumer Airdrops
12,04% => Bonus Coins for ICO participants
Use of funds
50% => marketing
3% => Legal&Compliance
10% => IT development and monitoring
7% => Admin overhead
10% => Fluzcoin Reserve
20% => commercial retailer onboarding

Website: https://fluzcoin.io/?utm_source=bitcointalk&utm_medium=bounty
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fluzcoin/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fluzcoin
Medium: https://medium.com/@fluzcoin
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdK-HoZdmvmC-9bS5TeJT0g
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/FaUXnVJkE62Onj6NcXuiPw
Username: Vario hitam
My Profile Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1624712
Ethereum address: 0xB2d70D6535e16EE25c26f96530254d1f0d73812F
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