CAPITAL = First Decentralized Private Communication Solution

Foto Capital Techologies & Research.

Capital (CALL) is the main currency used in the Capital Technologies & Research incorporated business. In the crowdsale it will be distributed as an Ethereum Token and when the main minable network launches every user will have to swap their tokens CapitalGAS (CALLG) is the fuel of the main network.

Capital Technologies & Research will develop a decentralised private communication system where users can easily enjoy their private communications. Also, the company will develop a new brand of phones that will have the Capital's application pre-installed and will make the profit from the selling of the devices.

Traditional end to end encryption protocol, rely on centralized servers that exchanges encryption keys and broadcast communications through them. Hackers impersonate those servers by counterfeiting the real encryption keys with their forged ones, hijacking the communication.

Blockchain based communication, solve this problem by replacing the centralized servers with nodes, giving authority back to the people.

For years now, Internet privacy is a huge issue. Very few of us opted not to use the Internet and stay in complete anonymity, while the rest of the world chooses to think less about how much of our personal information is out there. How much is too much, and how vulnerable we actually are due to excessive sharing of information?

A couple of decades ago when the Internet was created, the decrease of our privacy started. Today we face numerous concerns and there are many ways our private information can be jeopardized.

Millions of people were victims of identity theft which led to financial loss and even legal problems. Almost every website that asks for registration wants our name and birthdate, which is more than enough for experienced hackers to breach our privacy and create damage. Even secured banking applications suffered breaches. Therefore, should be careful when and where we leave data.

CIA agent Edward Snowden, said once "Privacy is something to protect", Capital deeply analyzed the actual situation of today and found out that all communications these days rely on centralized servers, controlled by groups of persons that can't be entirely trusted. Capital project's idea came from Satoshi Nakamoto vision, where data is relayed through different users, becoming private and untraceable.


After years and years of evolution, the Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before, we became capable to interact with anyone despite the long distance between us. It's true that this made our way of life easier, but with what cost?


We value our users by providing them with an All-in-One solution

  • Cross-Platform
Our modular design creates no scalabilities issues, leading way to multi-platform applications development.

  • Real-Time Communication
Datas are encrypted, chunked into small different pieces distributed to nodes that relays them across the network, linked up and decrypted at destination.

  • Protects your Identity
Communication based on blockchain technology, shields your real identity by using multiple random nodes.

  • Smart Payment System
Nodes have the freedom of choice; operators can set their price according to their hardware contribution.


Capital multi-assets grant you access to the most innovative project and lead you to the next generation of communication, mining and smartest reward system.

  • Privacy on highest levels
End-to-end encrypted communication system based on blockchain. Anonymous payments using zk-SNARKs technology.

  • Real decentralization
With blockchain technology we build the next decentralized communication network of the future. There's no central database, encryption keys are exchanged through user's nodes.

  • User friendly
Simple to install, easy to use, trustworthy.


  • 85% Public Sale (CALL) : 44,625,000 CALL
  • 15% Founder Team (CALL) : 7,875,000 CALL
  • Total Capital (CALL) : 105 000 000 CALL
  • Available for Crowdsale : 52 500 000 CALL


  • 85% Public Sale (CALLG) : 8,925,000,000 CALLG
  • 10% Founder Team (CALLG) : 1,050,000,000 CALLG
  • 5% Bounty Campaigns (CALLG) : 525,000,000 CALLG
  • Total Capital GAS (CALLG) : 21 000 000 000 CALG
  • Available for Crowdsale : 10 500 000 000 CALLG


  • 10% Advisors & Legal : $15,155,765.63
  • 55% Development : $83,356,710.94
  • 35% Marketing : $53,045,179.69
  • Soft Cap : $4,239,375.00
  • Hard Cap : $151,557,656.25


>> Private Sale
  • Minimum investment : 5000$
  • CALL Supply : 446,250.00
  • CALLG Supply : 89,250,000.00
1.5 $ (1 CALL & 200 CALLG)

>> Pre-ICO Sale
  • Minimum investment : 0.01 ETH
  • CALL Supply : 1,785,000.00
  • CALLG Supply : 357,000,000.00
2 $ (1 CALL & 200 CALLG)

>> Main Sale
  • Minimum investment : 0.01 ETH
  • CALL Supply : 42,393,750.00
  • CALLG Supply : 8,478,750,000.00
  • FIRST WEEK PRICE : 3.0 $
  • THIRD WEEK PRICE : 3.6 $
  • LAST WEEK PRICE : 4.0 $
3 - 4 $ (1 CALL & 200 CALLG)

>> TEST NETWORK, AUGUST 2018 : Proof of Work (PoW) Test Network

>> PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS, NOVEMBER 2018 : Integration of private text messages & voice communication into wallets.

>> NETWORK FIXING, DECEMBER 2018 : Network Testing & Fixing - users are going to write testimonials about their experience with the blockchain.

>> NETWORK LAUNCH, JANUARY 2019 : Main Network Launch - users are invited to use the official wallet of the application.

>> HARDFORK, FEBRUARY 2019 : Swap will become available for users, they will be able to swap their Capital (CALL) token into the Proof of Work Equihash network, CapitalGAS (CALLG) will also swap into Proof of Work Aragon2d network). Development of a private operating system for a new brand of smartphones, based on the Android Operating System.

>> FIRST SMARTPHONE, MARCH 2019 : The first smartphone developed by Capital Technologies & Research will become available.

>> SMARTPHONE MASS PRODUCTION, JULY 2019 : Mass production & distribution of smartphones will start.

>> PRIVATE MARKETPLACE, AUGUST 2019 : Development of a private application marketplace (replacement of Google Play marketplace) for our smartphone will start.

>> ALPHA MARKETPLACE, SEPTEMBER 2019 : Alpha version of application marketplace will be available for alpha testers.

>> PUBLIC MARKETPLACE, DECEMBER 2019 : Final version of the application marketplace will become available for all users and it will be included into the Smartphone Operating System Update.

>> IoT Research, JANUARY 2020 : Research for Internet of Things devices integration with the blockchain.

Team Members
Marinescu Adrian (CEO)

Marinescu Victor (CTO)

Firu Gradoe Ionuț (CXO)

Stani Ionuț Daniel (Digital Marketing Manager)

Cîrjaliu Bogdan Dinel (Hardware Marketing Manager)

Dinu Claudiu (Community Manager)

Mitroi Ionel (Cryptocurrency Advisor & Investor)

Picioruș Marti (Advisor & Investor)

Eliza Smaranda Mucioniu (Security Advisor & Investor)

Attique Baig (Senior UI/UX designer)

Inzmam UI Hassan (Software Engineer)

Shahid Shoukat (Software Engineer)

Fung Su Jung Gu (Blockchain Developer and China Official Representative)

For More Information Please Visit :

• Website: https://www.mycapitalco.ibountyn/?utm_term=


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