Coinseed is a micro-investment and portfolio management platform

Coinseed Micro-investment platform in cryptocurrency.
Coinseed automatically collects your spare change and invest it in your portfolio of cryptocurrencies. We gamified the creation of investment portfolios and our users can see how other users are doing it and can even copy the best performing portfolios.

When a Coinseed user converts their current portfolio to another portfolio, there is a 1% fee on the total asset that is being converted. Coinseed will distribute 50% of this revenue to the CSD token holders every month. Our app is live in the US and we're planning to make a global release in February.

Coinseed is Making It Easy to Invest in Cryptocurrencies

Invest As Little As $5
Simply connect your bank cards to start collecting your spare change to invest in a portfolio of cryptocurrencies. Or set a daily recurring deposit.

Manage Your Portfolio with Ease
Coinseed users' portfolios with their returns are ranked on the platform so that any user can learn from the best by replicating their portfolios with a click of a button.

Low risk
Just start with your spare change. Low risk and low commitment.

Portfolio management
Create your own unique portfolio from the best cryptocurrencies.

Welcome to the community
Learn from the community and see how others are doing

Convert your assets
Adjust your portfolio and convert your assets to the best performing portfolios

Coinseed Platform
Coinseed platform has been officially launched as a mobile application on iOS and Android on November 21, 2017. Within the first 12 days of the launch, we have acquired over 2,000 registered users and 1,000 paying users without any paid marketing. This shows the strong interest of users.

Coinseed platform has two main features:

1. Passive investing by keeping your portfolio.
2. Active investing by changing your portfolio whenever you want to Note that these two features are not exclusive to each other, meaning that a user can either keep the current portfolio or change the existing portfolio to another one. Whenever a user converts his or her portfolio, there is 1% fee on the total value of the portfolio that is being converted.

We encourage our users to make portfolio conversions by ranking all portfolios created by users and their return percentages on the platform. This way our users can learn from each other by looking at other people’s portfolios to get inspired or to simply replicate those portfolios. For example: let’s say our pseudo-user Zach started off with his $10 portfolio of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.

However, he discovered that another user’s portfolio of Dash, Ripple and Monero performed much better than his own. Zach decides to use this new portfolio with just a click of a button. In this process, Coinseed collects 1% of the $10 which translates into 10 cents.

Token Sale Structure

Pre Sale
December 20 - January 10
1.5 Million CSDs (15% of total CSD tokens)

Token Sale
March 20 - April 20
3.5 Million CSDs (35% of total CSD tokens)
Minimum Purchase 0.1 ETH
Pre-Sale Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
Start Date: December 20, 2017
End Date: January 10, 2018
The Number of CSD Tokens to be Sold: 1,500,000 CSD
The Percentage of Total CSD Tokens: 15% (there are a total of 10,000,000 CSD Tokens)

You can participate in the pre-sale of our Initial Coin Offering or ICO (this term is
interchangeable with Initial Token Offering) using the following cryptocurrencies:

1. Ethereum
2. Bitcoin
3. Litecoin
4. Dash

The participants in the pre-sale ICO will receive following bonus CSD tokens.

For example, if you purchase 100 CSD tokens within the first 5 hours of the ICO, you will receive additional 35 CSD tokens as a bonus. The same principle applies for the remaining hours and days of the pre-sale ICO with the bonus structure stated above.


Development Team

Del Davaasambuu
Founder & Developer
Studied Physics and Computer Science, Del has been the technical co-founder for two startups before and also runs (that lets you shop from Amazon with Ethereum) to improve the liquidity of Ethereum.

Sukhbat Lkhagvadorj
Co-founder & CFO
B.S. in Mathematics and Economics from Wesleyan University, Sukhbat held various positions on Wall Street working as a trader and an economic consultant. Later he joined a leading big data analytics startup DAS42 that has consulted clients such as Uber, Amazon and Snapchat.

Undra Bayarsaikhan
Blockchain Specialist
B.S.E in Computer Science from University of Electro-Communications(Tokyo) and M.S in Financial Engineering from NYU. Undra has experience in data science in financial sector and software engineering.

Temuge Enkhbaatar
Back-end Developer
B.S.E in Computer Science and Engineering from MIT, Temuge has extensive experience in software engineering in Microsoft Corporation and Yext Inc. His technical background is invaluable to the team.

Michael Robinson
Marketing Manager
Michael is a digital marketing strategist with a proven 7-year track record in planning and implementing data-driven marketing campaigns for start ups and corporates on a national and global scale. He has run many highly successful digital campaigns and teams.

Charles Markette
Community manager
Previous careers include management at an iOS Technical support call center, and working as an executive assistant doing data entry for a doctor. Charles has a deep passion for customer service and crypto-currency. Being an early adopter and supporter of our app, he looks forward to providing the best customer support possible to Coinseed users

Our Advisors

Gerelt Tserenjigmid
Game theorist (PhD)
B.A. in Economics from University of Tokyo, M.S. and Ph.D. in Economics from Caltech, Gerelt is an assistant professor of economics at Virginia Tech.

Orgil Sedvanchig
Investment Banker
M.B.A from Columbia Business School, Orgil is a seasoned finance professional at an elite investment bank Moelis & Company. His financial background is invaluable for Coinseed’s growth & capital allocation.

Thomas Goslee
Blockchain advisor
Thomas is a member of Crypto Valley and Bitcoin Associates of Switzerland. He is also developing innovative use cases to drive the early adoption of private (with permission) medical blockchain solutions.

Mike Shokin
Financial advisor (CFA)
Mike is a corporate finance analyst with exposure to Bitcoin and Blockchain derivatives. His experience includes working as a research analyst with ING Barings and teaching at NYU. Mike has advanced degrees in finance from Baruch College, New York and SOAS, London and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.

Mike Bishop
Legal advisor (JD)
Mike is a seasoned lawyer who advised multiple successful ICOs in the past. His expertise is crucial to ensure our operation is compliant with different regulations on a global scale.

For more Information please visit links below:


Author: black Vario


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