What is Yayproto?
YayProto is the world's first multipurpose binary protocol and built with decentralized technology in Indonesia. Yayproto also created a beta SDK to build a mobile app (iOS / Android) that is ready to be distributed as follows:
1. Amazing Messenger (chat, audio and video call, conference)
2. P2P-Money transfer platform (Hawala Banking)
3. Marketplace for local businesses / services (hotels, insurance, markets, any kind of physical business that wants to be online)
4. High level privacy and security with encryption keys stored in blockchain
The goal is to create decentralized cryptography, for a private transaction messaging system, such as:
1. YayFon
Yayfon has all the standard functions, such as text, image, sound, video, file, sticker, group, it's all protected with end-to-end encryption and supported by more cryptographic algorithm features such as:
1) Bot
2) Public groups
3) The sticker market is combined with the SDK Sticker so that developers can develop and acquire YFN (Yayproto Whitepaper Yayproto.ico)
4) All data will be transferred securely using YayProto, proprietary protocol, specifically designed for mobile networks
2. P2P Money Transfer
1) Timely transaction money platform
2) Timely lending platform
3) The rating system will be done for P2P transfers and loans
3. Loans
With YayProto Loan we aim to provide alternative decentralized lending solutions to individuals and businesses using innovative blockchain technology. Once on the YayProto backend, there will be a developed platform, which will use cryptocurrency along with fiat currency for peer-to-peer loan purposes. YayProto Platform lending allows people around the world to lend or borrow Bitcoin, Ethereum and Fiat currencies, thereby becoming part of the global decentralized financial services. Our team strongly believes in the potential of peer-to-peer lending. Because Through ICO we aim to make this service more affordable, transparent and reliable
4. Decentralization, Data, and Content
1) Provide your network computing power and speed to support the system and get YFN
2) Share and get rare and unique content and benefits from us
Blockokain YayProto is a licensed and trusted node, capable of handling thousands or tens of thousands of transactions per second, to achieve this by executing on-client contracts and verifying their output with a 90% consensus algorithm in the creation of each new block.
How Blockchain Works
Step One : Alice wants to send money to Bob in another city or country
1. Alice opens an app and sees a list of people, who live in the same city / country as Bob and wants to provide money at an additional cost
2. Along with the money, Alice generates a QR / password code and sends it to Bob via messenger (this will cause the money to be paid).
3. Bob, with the QR code / password provided by Alice, contacts the nearest person and, after that Gives the QR / Password code, to receive the money, and deducted with the cost
4. For Alice, to start this operation, the minimum number of YFNs is required on balance, and after that QR-code / Password generation will be blocked
Step Two : Eve wants to send money to Faythe. Faythe lives in the same town as Alice. Eve also lived in the city where Dan lived. The first step Eve generates QR-code / Password and sends it to Faythe. Contact with Dan and give him some money. Faythe contacts Alice and Alice release the money, less the fee fee. Eve accounts now have currency balances (YFN, USD and / or others).
Market Analysis
Global retail e-commerce sales growth from $ 1336 billion in 2014 to $ 4479 billion in 2021. And the growth of global messaging app users
Growth in global P2P money transfers and growth in P2P Global lending market
Distribution of Tokens And Use Of Funds
Token Distribution
Currency received: ETH, BTC
Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 7500 YFH 1 BTC = 75000 YFH
Number of tokens per one person: unlimited
Minimum transaction amount: 1 ETH, 0.04 BTC
Maximum transaction amount: unlimited
Note : YFN tokens are not stocks, shares or securities. They should be treated as utilities, which will be through the contributor's permission to obtain goods and / or services within the platform. Using YFN on a platform is not mandatory and will only be based on participants' choices.
All tokens will be issued using smart contracts and only during Pre-ICO and ICO events. Maximum amount will be based on PRE and ICO event results.
Yayproto Street Map
As a development team with the best decentralized protocol development targets for data exchange, we plan to open 3 additional offices around the world to hire the best team members in the future
For More Information Please Visit The Following Link:

AUTHORED BY: Vario hitam


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