The Experty platform consists of applications available for mobile, internet and desktop. Users can also send free text messages between each other to further discuss the conditions if necessary. Text messages can also be switched off by the provider if they choose to do so. Voice or video calls are always paid, with the predetermined rate calculated by the provider.
The current platform is being built using React and React-Native. This allows us to shorten the go-to-market process and implement additional functions from the roadmap, while maintaining the native application experience and performance.
All Ethereum smart contract interactions are activated by the recipient of the call because it is in his or her interest to register for payment. The caller must first make sufficient money available to receive at least 30 seconds of the call to start the call.
Core function
The Experty platform is based on an Ethereum network contract that acts as a back end for the service. The website and applications store the information about the usage history of all users.
WebRTC protocol >>
Audio and video communication within the application uses the WebRTC protocol. This protocol is used in apps like WhatsApp or Google Hangouts to ensure peer-to-peer data encryption and offers robustness proven by millions of users who already use the technology.
Fully decentralized call links >> Their goal is to allow experts to share their paid call link wherever and whenever they want. This prevents you from relying on Experty to create a marketplace for them. Knowledge providers can use networks where they are already known and considered to be trusted experts, such as bulletin boards, social media, blogs, etc.
Direct payments >>
Payments are made on the Ethereum blockchain after the call based on a rate per minute. The OC ensures the security of a payment processing system. A caller without sufficient balance to complete at least 30 seconds of a call can not activate a call. If the calling credit of a caller is low, they are informed in advance and are disconnected when the money falls below the rate per minute.
Application platform Cross Platform Calling >>
The first version of Experty will have special call applications for most platforms, including iOS, Android and Windows. We also plan to integrate Experty with third-party video calling so that potential users can use the application of their choice.
Availability schedule >>
Knowledge providers can set their availability time so that they can easily prevent all calls outside a certain time frame.
Ethereum Wallet >>
The offered applications will have a built-in Ethereum wallet for managing funds.
Possible use cases
The most likely use cases for Experty will take place for professionals who are known or occasional users with a niche consequence. Professional users may be: lawyers, medical service providers, programmers, professors, business consultants, etc.; and casual users can be bloggers or YouTubers, celebrities and influencers, webcam models and charities.
Smart contract
architecture The OC architecture provides a way to use signed off-chain transactions executed through Experty. Because of the possible inefficiency of registering calls directly on the Blockchain, the recipient uses a signed confirmation of the call to lock the caller's balances on the contract until the call is terminated.
During the call, the receiver receives an additional confirmation from the caller every second. After the end of the call, he or she uses the most recent confirmation to transfer the money to their balance and free the remaining funds from the caller.
1) BUSINESS IMPLEMENTATION: we do not store users' private keys, so there are fewer legal problems for us to keep working.
2) A NEW ECONOMY: Experts from countries such as Venezuela (eg Spanish teachers) have access to a new tool that allows them to earn their time on the world market. This was never possible before Experty. People around the world can connect with others in a way that will promote trade.
3) SAFETY: Refunds and protection are provided to both parties through the smart contract. No payment processor from third parties is required. Private keys are the property of the users.
Why does it need Experty (EXY) token?
1) FLEXIBILITY: if the Experty application achieves massive acceptance, it is possible that the Ethereum network does not scale fast enough to handle all our transactions. Having your own token (EXY) gives us the flexibility to migrate to which platform is most suitable for our needs.
2) INCENTIVE: we have reserved tokens to encourage early adopters and influencers to use the Experty application. Our go-to-market strategy is to work closely with crypto influencers in the first year to optimize the user experience and interface. As soon as the Experty application is ready for the mass market, we focus on mass market influencers / celebrities like Christiano Ronaldo, Madonna and Justin Bieber to bring Experty into the mainstream.
3) PREMIUM FUNCTIONALITIES: instead of paying for premium memberships, users with a certain number of EXY bets in their wallets can use premium features at no additional cost. Examples of premium features include: - Paid group calls (ie webinars) - Call recording - Advanced planning - Paid group chats such as in Telegram
Token sales and allocation Pre-sale hard-cap 5k ETH and total hard-cap 33k ETH
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1624712
Wallet: 0xB2d70D6535e16EE25c26f96530254d1f0d73812F
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