Aura is a book of cryptococcal and general-purpose applications based on ethereum. Developers can deploy smart contracts and decentralized apps (dApps) to the Aura block. The small letter 'aura' refers to the cryptocurrency unit on a platform that can be transferred between wallets, used to pay transaction costs and profits for smart contracts.

What is a decentralized exchange?
A decentralized exchange is the exchange of digital assets operating solely on the basis of the blockchain protocol and is independent of any third party to facilitate trade. This allows you to trade with others online directly, without any intermediaries.
YouStock is a new platform where everyone can create digital assets that represent themselves and trade with others. YouStock is like bitcoin but with the added ability to create and send digital shares as well as crypto cardiac aura. The YouStock platform will use the aura, a new cryptocurrency platform and smart contract. It can be mined, bought and sold on the exchange, and sent directly to other users like other cryptocurrencies.
The Benefits of YouStock
Smart contract platform
Smart contracts allow users to create new digital assets. At YouStock, this asset represents a stake in the user who created it. The stock has a fixed number of shares and is initially 100% owned by the creator.
Decentralized users can swap their shares directly with other users without having to trust a third-party provider.
Leading athletes can create provisions and allow their fans to trade. The value of the stock may fluctuate based on the performance of their athlete or star, market power will determine it. Buying a promising young athlete stock can be very profitable for fans and merchants. Earnings from the initial offer can help offset the well-known paid college athletes received lately, while giving fans a new way to interact with their favorite teams and sports players.

Renowned celebrities can create provisions for their fans to trade. Fans who want to support their favorite actors or musicians can buy their shares. If you find an upcoming artist that you know will be great, buy their share, which also supports it and also gives you an opportunity to share their future success.

Top talents can tokenize themself and offer to work for their biggest shareholders in addition to fixed salary. This will force the top companies to bid on the best employees. This has the additional effect of aligning the interests of employers with employee interests, both of which now have a financial interest in employees to grow and become more successful. If employees go beyond their positions and other companies want to get it, they have to buy the former employer's position.

This is just an example of how people can use this platform. We love to see new and unique concepts that people will come up with because of using their token fullness. People are awesome.

Is Aura different from Ethereal? 
Yes, Aura is a new blockchain, separate from ethereum mainnet. However, it uses the same protocol and open source technology.

The total number of auras? 
Only 12,000,000 aura will ever be created. Aura will use Proof-of-Work mining for about 2 years (3,800,000 blocks) and then move on to the Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm. Mining emissions levels are 3 auras per block, with 15 second blocks. This produces 11.4 million auras printed through mining. Another 600,000 are allocated in the genesis block.

Why create a new ethereum blockade instead of using ethereum mainnet? 
Primnet ethereum is rapidly becoming overcrowded and overcrowded as more companies build their projects on it. This causes transaction costs to soar and increase the number of failed transactions because everyone competes to get the transaction included in the main chain. By creating new blockchain, we do not have to compete with many other projects for blockchain space, and can keep transaction costs low and cost-effective.


September 2017 : Idea inception initial work on project, research, experiment
Desember 2017: Laying groundwork fork ethereum, setup aura, websites
Januai 2018 : AURA Aura mainnet launch
Februari 2018 : Aura services wallets, explorers, mining pools, exchanges
Q2 2018 YouStock Alpha Initial version of the web portal and decentralized exchange
Q3 2018 YouStock Beta Start beta testing and getting user feadback
Q4 2018 YouStock 1.0 Final product release.

For more information  

                                      Aura ANN thread: 
                                                                              Author by Vario hitam


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